- South Africa
- United Kingdom
- Australia
- New Zealand
- United States
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- Standard Web / Mobile banners
- Site / wallpaper takeovers
- Email marketing
- Social media promotion
- Mobile/app advertising
- Significant brand exposure
- Leverage sport sponsorship
- Opted-in data acquisition
- Integrate social media channels
- Email marketing
- Megapools for Business
- Leverage sport sponsorship
- Interact with customers & staff
- Acquire data for marketing
- For B2C and B2B campaigns
Superbru has become an iconic sports brand with over 1.8m sports fans interacting and competing with each other for bragging rights and prizes.
Players are invited to take part in in fantasy and predictor games across rugby, football, cricket, golf, tennis, motorsport, American football, rugby league, rugby sevens, Australian Rules, cycling and medal-based sport.
They compete in private leagues against friends and colleagues over the course of the tournament.
The game is designed to build engagement in a sport or tournament, whilst users enjoy a fun, competitive and social game experience.
Global Audience
Superbru has over 1.8 million registered players from all over the world. Key markets include:
Superbru has a large, highly-engaged, sports-mad audience and offers an excellent platform for advertising and sponsorship as a result.
Display Advertising
Tournament Sponsorship
Branded games
To enquire about advertising and sponsorship, please James Hutchison on sales@superbru.com with details of your objectives and a rough idea of your budget.